National Initiative for Social, Technological and Trades Holistic Advancement
Geographical concentration of interlinked companies and institutions in related branches of industry that complement each other by joint relations of exchange and activities along one (several) value creation chains.
National Initiative for Social, Technological and Trades Holistic Advancement (NISTTHA) is a flagship initiative of the Global Council for Cluster Excellence & Research for promoting Industry Clusters and Global Virtual Industry Clusters.
Clusters have gained increasing prominence in debates on economic development in recent years. Governments worldwide regard clusters as potential drivers of enterprise development and innovation. cluster initiatives are also considered to be efficient policy instruments in that they allow for a clusters concentration of resources and funding in targeted areas with a high growth and development potential that can spread beyond the target locations (spillover and multiplier effects).
Examples of internationally renowned clusters, such as that of the Silicon valley cluster in california, the information technology cluster of Bangalore in india, or the Australian and chilean wine clusters demonstrate that clusters are environments where enterprises can develop a competitive and global edge, while at the same time generating wealth and local economic development in the process.
However, the mere fact of geographical agglomeration of enterprises is, in itself, no guarantee of strong economic performance; that is, the advantages associated with clustering do not always emerge automatically.
Relatively few clusters in the developing world have been able to achieve high and sustained growth rates. in many cases, they are trapped in a cycle of cut-throat competition, stagnation and poverty and are unable to spontaneously achieve the transition to innovation and growth.
Consequently, appropriate policy support and assistance are often required. Council has developed an approach to cluster development that tackles the underlying causes of cluster stagnation and helps seize growth opportunities and overcome obstacles to development.