Theresa Blissing
Theresa is the Director and founder of Accelerating Insurance and the Asia InsurTech Podcast, a unique ecosystem of entrepreneurs, thought leaders and industry experts across Asia. She is also a Managing Consultant at Q_Perior management consultancy. Previously Theresa has worked as Asian Insurance Lead for Detecon management consultancy and spent 10 years with the multinational insurer Generali. She is an innovator in the InsurTech industry, working at the leading edge of big data and analytics within insurance. She is also responsible for some of the first academic research into the adoption of big data into the Southeast Asian insurance industry. She continues to work to assist her clients to connect with their marketplace and identify the potential of digital innovation.
Theresa is a regular speaker at conferences including Asia Insurance Review, Techsauce, InsureTech Connect, Uniglobal and InsurTech Insight, as well as a speaker and visiting lecturer at universities and business schools including the Singapore College of Insurance, Thammasat University and the Science and Technology Park, Chiang Mai University (STeP). In the past she has lectured in international business and leadership at the Bangkok School of Management. She holds a Bachelor of Business Administration from FOM – Fachhochschule fuer Oekonomie and Management, and a Master of Business Administration from Webster University.